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Serigraph, 16 x 16", A/P, 2015



Serigraph with Monotype, 20 x 16", Edition of 28, 2014

Collaboration with Leon Johnson and Leander Johnson for the "SNAKES, SWINE AND COCKS" portfolio curated by Brian Kelly


Yik Yak Talk Back

Serigraph on T-shirts, 2014

Community project initiated by racist Yik Yak comments at Georgia College.


Mise en Abyme

Serigraph and Archival Digital Print on Tyvek, 18 x 14", Edition of 17, 2012

For the portfolio exchange "Inverse Surveillance and Targeted Sousveillance," curated by Justin Diggle



Fb experiment, 2012

Jamais Vu et l'illusion des sosies


Dixie Icons

Archival Digital Print, 2011

Fire House Gallery, Louisville, GA

In pressed trousers and crisp blue shirt...



Serigraph with Gold Leaf on Rives BFK, 20 x 16", Edition of 55, 2011

For the portfolio exchange, "East/West," curated by Brian Kelly


Ploutos: Chronicles of the Superrich

Art Action, 2011

Plutus is blind (indiscriminate); lame (slow to accumulate); and winged (quick to disappear)


No Hate Crimes (Reported): Grand Rapids

Digital prints, acetate, MDF, 4 x 6' each

UICA Billboards, 2010


Planet of Love

Global Action, 2010


The Fearful Prey

Serigraph and Monotype, 6" x 5"

Click on image for Fisher's prints


Friendly Reminders....

Public Fliers

Digital and Xerographic Prints, 11" x 8.5", 2009

Click on image for Fisher's prints

Click here to download a hi-res "Change" image for printing and posting

Click here to download a hi-res "Drive Responsibly" image for printing and posting



Public Offering, 2008

"Using the materials supplied in the gallery or brought from home, please add your marks and erasures to the work done by those who have come before you. You are encouraged to consider your decisions, reflect upon your choices, and invite others to participate during the run of the exhibition."

Click here for full text and images of "Executive Branch Suite: Phase II"



Double-Sided Serigraph, 11" x 14", 2007

Click on image for Fisher's prints

Translation: One evening in 2005 six American civilians, including myself, were sitting around a table having drinks and talking. Our daughter had been born recently, and I mentioned how I was now very interested in her morning bowel movements. We could read them like coffee grounds, divining the future of our day by observing the consistency of her poop. Loose and brightly colored could mean a day of general irritability. Dark, rich and firm might see a day of laughter and energy. This particular interest in her came as a surprise to me, I said, but had become a morning ritual. One at the table immediately expressed his displeasure with the topic. "That's disgusting! Having to smell that shit, disgusting. Don't even talk about it. How could anybody think baby shit is something to talk about."

The conversation shifted. Quiet dialogues began, some drank silently, someone left. After a few minutes the war in Iraq was mentioned. The group began to debate the legality of the war, and the correct way to achieve its resolution. This was a politically diverse group of acquaintances and the discussion was civil, but lively. The man who earlier found the idea of infant feces to be revolting, spoke with a calm, assured voice. "What we need to do, and I'm talking about the whole fucking Middle East, we need to nuke the shit out of them. Nuke the whole goddamn place."



Performance Action, Georgia College, 2007

Grim Reaper: "Good morning."

Marine Recruiter: "I wish my buddies were here..."

Click here for full text and images

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Public Offering, 2007-08

"Please use the provided charcoal, pencils, markers, erasers, and all other means to..."

Click here for full text and images of "Executive Branch Suite (Phase I)"



Richard A. Lou and Bill Fisher, Mixed Media Construction, 80" x 24" X 24", 2006-07

"Exploring the construction of enemies and how that construction, and its inherent racist hierarchy, is used to justify the subjugation of communities of color..."

Click here for full text and images of "Colonial Towers."

Colonial Towers in "Art Papers"


Seritypes: A Genetic Screening Project
Send an email, an attached image, a little DNA:

In answer to those who would demand we disregard the Constitution and common decency and live in silent, surveilled fear of unseen, dark enemies as proof of our patriotism, we now reaffirm our belief in a shared humanity.

The Human Genome Project has proven the concept of Race to be a construct, and illustrates the infinitesimal biological difference between individuals. We deny race, gender, borders and the construct of "other," a key mechanism in the dehumanization of the Oppressed and the Oppressor. We affirm the fundamental parity of all individuals as revealed through analysis of the human genome.

Update: Combining the genetic material supplied by hundreds of international participants with our serigraphic inks, the phenotypes of the (arguably) two most powerful men on the planet merge. Though seemingly polar opposites politically and philosophically, their rich common ground is now reified for all to witness.

Click here for full text of "Seritypes."

Seritypes in "Art Papers"


MISSING STEREOTYPES, Postering Project (Richard Lou and Bill Fisher), 8" x 10", 2005

Click here to download a full resolution 8 x 10 pdf file for printing and posting.

ÁMissing Stereotypes Missing!: Projects Censored in Georgia Exhibition: Click Here

MISSING STEREOTYPES MISSING, Postering Project (Richard Lou and Bill Fisher), 8" x 10", 2005

Click here to download a full resolution 8 x 10 pdf file for printing and posting.

After being invited to exhibit his work, Richard Lou has had "Missing Stereotypes" as well as other collaborative and solo work censored by the Quinlan Visual Arts Center of Gainesville, Georgia. The work was removed from their show "Celebraci—n" on orders from the Board of Directors, friends of the Wilbanks family.

AP Article
Gainesville Times
Vivir Latino Interview

MISSING CELEBRACION, Postering Project (Richard Lou and Bill Fisher), 8" x 10", 2005

Click here to download a full resolution 8 x 10 pdf file for printing and posting.

Missing Stereotypes - public art piece. Distributing art-posters in Duluth, Georgia and sending T-Shirts with same image to principals in the Jennifer Wilbanks saga.

Bill Fisher and Richard A. Lou's "Missing Stereotypes" explores the media's narration of the "Runaway Bride", Jennifer Wilbanks, and her mythically racist account of being "kidnapped" at gun point and sexually assaulted by a Hispanic man and white woman....

Click here for full text of "Missing Stereotypes."


No Hate Crimes (Reported)

NY/TX: No Hate Crimes (Reported)

Public Arts Project Proposal, Bill Fisher,2005

NY/TX: No Hate Detail

Public Arts Project Proposal, 2005

GA: No Hate Crimes (Reported)

Public Arts Project Proposal,
Bill Fisher,2005

GA: No Hate Detail

Public Arts Project Proposal, 2005

For widespread distribution, each billboard would carry information relevant to its geographical location.

Modeled on the "No Traffic Fatalities in ____ Days" signs seen in some communities. The information is communicated through the conflict of emotions these signs elicit: as we feel relief or civic pride over a (seemingly) long period of time without a traffic death (or local hate crime), we are at the same time reminded of an unpleasant truth, in this case the knowledge that the denial of basic civil and human rights exists right here and vicious acts of destruction are perpetrated close to home. When the day-count numbers are low, this realization may be most powerful. Awareness of this issue, as with all social maladies, can be the first stage of a fundamentally decent population affecting positive social change within its community.

A brief list of hate crimes in Georgia as reported by the Southern Poverty Law Center:

Lawrenceville, Published on 08-28-2005. Swastikas and obscenities were burned into the lawn of a Jewish family's home.

Covington, Published on 03-24-2005. Racial slurs and swastikas were spray painted on a black man's truck. The windows were smashed and the tires were also slashed.

Statesboro, Published on 11-06-2004. Anti-gay epithets were spray-painted on a gay student's car at Georgia Southern University. Ê

Athens, Published on 09-13-2004. Swastikas and a racial epithet were spray- painted on a black family's home. Ê

Tucker, Published on 05-20-2004. Racist graffiti was found on the running track at a high school. Ê

Trenton, Published on 05-07-2004. Six white men, Terrel Timothy Garner, Stacy Paul Jones, Steven Garland Jones, Jeremy Ray Sims, Eric Shane Sullivan and Billy Richard Wells, pleaded guilty to a hate crime charge of conspiracy to deprive civil rights for burning a cross in the yard of a woman whose daughter has a biracial boyfriend.

Canton, Published Winter, 2004. Four white students from Cherokee High School abduct a Latino man who is then subjected to a 30-minute pummeling, leaving him bruised and blooded from his thighs to his neck.



Digital Print on Tyvek, Wooden Stakes, 18" x 24", 2004

Yard Sign Project
Red, white and blue signs, approximately 1.5' x 2', are to be placed in front yards and other public locations. They are designed to resemble the ubiquitous yard signs* printed commercially and posted in front of homes and businesses throughout the southern USA. The "Ten Commandments" yard sign includes text from the Geneva Convention as it relates specifically to treatment of prisoners. "Support Our Troops" includes officially suppressed imagery of the remains of US servicemen and servicewomen. "Re-Elect" makes explicit the merging of secular and religious iconography implied by the rhetoric of our political leaders. "Home For Sale" includes an image of the American flag, violently out of focus.

If you would like to display these signs in your yard or elsewhere, click here to download a "10 Commandments" pdf file, here to download "Support Our Troops," here to download "Home For Sale," or here to download "Re-Elect," all suitable for printing. You will either need a large format printer, or you can resize the image for your printer. I ask that you send E-mail confirmation of your participation, and if possible, digital documentation of your sign in place to wwfisher@charter.net or william.fisher@gcsu.edu, or photographs may be mailed to Bill Fisher, CBX 094, GC&SU, Milledgeville, Georgia 31061. Please feel free to encourage others to participate.

Project Rationale

As our political leaders and media now focus on the outrage felt over the recent release of images of torture and humiliation of Iraqi Prisoners of War, it appears the "illegal" release of such images may be as repugnant as the actual abuses or their underlying causes.

This may be inferred from the following excerpted testimony by Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld... Full Text of Yard Sign Project


Re-Present: An international interactive studio collaboration
"Communicative action can be understood as a circular process in which the actor is two things in one: an initiator, who masters situations through actions for which he is accountable, and a product of the transitions surrounding him, of groups whose cohesion is based on solidarity to which he belongs, and of processes of socialization in which he is reared."-- Jurgen Habermas

"Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral." -- Paulo Freire

"There is no mystery to making history." -- Linton Kwesi Johnson

Full Text of Re-Present


"Public Exhibition: Private Affections"

Monday January 21 is a National Holiday in honor and remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the great proponent of non-violence, tolerance and equality. In response to an incident of road rage we experienced recently in Milledgeville, the recent shootings at Martin Luther King Jr. High School, and other national and international Public Displays of Aggression...


Art work 1999-2016 William Wright Fisher II. If wishing to reproduce, copy, print, distribute, publish electronically or physically any images or text in whole or in part, please credit the artist. For express written consent, contact Bill Fisher, or use these ideas freely as stated on this site with regards to specific work.


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