
Richard A. Lou and Bill Fisher, Mixed Media Construction, 80" x 24" X 24" each, 2006-07
Installation view, Eyedrum Atlanta, Images by Danielle Wyckoff
"This piece explores the construction of enemies and how that construction, and its inherent racist hierarchy, is used to justify the subjugation of communities of color. Our piece intends to deconstruct many of the current terms, symbolic and/or textual, used by authorities to mobilize its populace towards some form of violence. The text and images are physically independent and the audience will be able to turn each section thereby distorting the "normal" relationships the audience has with each text. Literally with each turn new textual and conceptual relationships will occur, lending to the subversion of these static and hierarchical terms."
R. A. L.
Colonial Towers in "Art Papers"
No Hate Page
Fisher's Imagery
Academic Experience
Professional Activity